Monday 4 August 2008

The Women's Room

I am not writing at the moment because we're in the process of moving. However, I am reading a book called The Women's Room by Marilyn French. It is a famous book, a classic of the feminist movement. I have had it on my book shelf for years and never really fancied reading it. I imagined that it might be a rather tedious feminist rant. I couldn't have been more wrong. It's an amazing book. I don't think I've ever read anything so honest in all my life. It tells the stories of so many women and the reader recognises them all. And it absolutely refuses to offer any solutions to the questions it raises. It does ramble in bits and it is repetitive - but it is still an extra-ordinary good book and a gripping read. I haven't quite finished it but I'm nearly there. I wish I could write something that captures so completely the messy, difficult, compromised nature of life.

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