Thursday 18 September 2008

Not very interesting

The strange thing about writing is that it isn't very interesting. Or at least it isn't a spectator sport. I am writing properly again now and it is great to get back to it. But it's quite hard to describe what I'm actually doing. I just sit at a desk and ask myself questions - that's all it is really. And it is the same day in and day out. I don't go anywhere and I don't meet anyone. My publisher and agent don't contact me. Occasionally I switch the printer on and print out a section of the book so that I can read it through. That's about as interesting as it gets. And yet hundreds of people want to be writers - or at least they tell me that they do. I think they must have a misguided idea of what writing is about. I'm not really sure that it is a desirable thing to do at all.


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CL Taylor said...

You're right about that. It's as unglamorous as it gets...and very solitary. I'm always a bit jealous about other 'glamorous' creative professionals like musicians and actors because they actually get to leave the house and mix with other people when they're being creative. That said I'm going to a book launch soon. Hooray, a chance to be a writer AND be sociable at last ;o)

Shannon said...

This is actually my favorite part about writing. The part where you sit in silence, creating worlds, watching characters and events unfold like magic in your mind. At least to me it's magic. The whole social thing, book readings or signings actually terrify me.
A book launch party with good friends and good wine, though...that I could look forward to! lol