Tuesday 3 February 2009

Slog - and inspiration

I'm writing pretty regularly at the moment but it's a slog. I do find myself wondering whether it is worth it. I'm still so far from finishing my book and I don't know whether it will get published. I've had two published but that isn't necessarily a help in getting a third book published. But then something happened which helped. My mother turned up with some DVDs she got from some charity shop. Amongst them was the Jeremy Irons / Anthony Andrews TV adaptation of Evelyn Waugh's Brideshead Revisited. I watched it and I just loved it. I've seen it many times before but it doesn't get less engaging. It includes Jeremy Irons reading quite a few sections from the book. The language is so luscious, the sense of love and loss so strong. It sent me right back to my desk. If there is any chance I could ever write like that then I that is enough reason to keep going .....

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