Thursday 27 November 2008


I haven't written much on this blog for a very good reason. I'm writing very intensely right now. Actually, that's not true. What I'm really doing is planning. And that is what I need to be doing. I'm the kind of person who can always cover sheets and sheets of paper with writing. That's both a blessing and a curse. The reason why it is curse is because I spend too much time writing and not enough time thinking. It can be good to write without thinking but at some point you have to stop doing that ..... and think. So that's what I'm doing now. Re-writing the plan for my book again and again and again. It feels like nothing is being produced. But actually something is happening. I'm getting to know the world of the book much better. And I'm really hoping that I'll reap the benefits when I start writing again. We'll see. Maybe this book will still take about fourteen drafts .... as the others have done.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Right there with you. I'm itching to start the story, in fact I've written about six pages, but I know I don't have a good enough feel for the story and characters yet to REALLY start writing. It's all about research, research, research. The time will come, though.